Pulp Riot. The dare to be yourself hair coloring. Have you ever wanted to try something avant garde?
I got a call from a young lady who knew exactly what she was looking for. She wanted to try some hair coloring that would set her apart from all others. Velvet by Pulp Riot.
This young lady was very special, sweet, self assured and as daringly positive. That’s all I needed to know to get to work.
First I sectioned her hair in two sections. The bottom half and the top half. Based on how she was going to wear her hair, I made sure when she wore it up, she would still see some of the purple highlights she was ready to show off. And when she wanted to wear it down, it would be all a glow. She also wanted to hide the lights and show the lights depending on her mood. That would require me to strategically place them for the mood.
Rather than throwing the color all over her beautiful hair and compromising the integrity of the soft beautiful curl she had, I made sure to be selective about how much to pre lighten. While lightening, I used the keratin bonder, Ultim8. An important step of pulling the color out of her hair not to blow the cuticle apart. Once I reached the desired color blonde to serve as the canvas, I then put the desired shade of Velvet by Pulp Riot.
Both she and I were very excited and pleased to see her new school fashionable princess color.
Be your own princess and treat yourself to YOU and Pulp Riot.
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